De Rotary Foundation zet uw giften om in serviceprojecten die levens veranderen, zowel dichtbij huis als over de hele wereld.
Om een zo groot mogelijke impact te realiseren ligt de focus van Rotary op zeven onderwerpen:Vrede en conflictbeheersingPreventie en behandeling van ziektenZorgen voor schoon water, sanitaire voorzie...
Een Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) is een bijzondere Rotary erkenning. Rotary vestigde de PHF-erkenning in 1957 om waardering te tonen voor substantiële bijdragen aan wat toen het enige programma van de Fo...
De 4 vragen Sedert verschillende decennia hebben Rotary Clubs en Rotarièrs over heel de wereld de 4-VRAGEN TEST gebruikt als middel om respect en verstandhouding tussen volkeren te ontwikkelen.Hoe de ...
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our commun...
Een van de meest markante kenmerken van Rotary is het feit dat, waar men ook ter wereld een Rotarièr ontmoet, met een wederzijdse vertrouwensrelatie mag verwachten. Zo ontstaat, van Rotarièr tot Rota...
It may be some time until all Rotarians are comfortable with attending "in-person" Rotary meetings like we have always had. In the meantime, clubs are considering "hybrid" meetings where some members...
Adres: Marktplein 1, KapellenMet de auto via de Noorderlaan via Ring en A12Met het openbaar vervoer De Lijn 650 De Lijn 640 NMBS 772
Spelregels Het dartsspel is ongeveer 700 jaar oud, maar bestaat al heel lang in een of andere vorm. Er zijn verschillende versies van het verhaal, maar de meeste historici zijn het eens over een paar ...
This is a bit of an unusual year due to the adjustments we have to make to our program through covid-19. Physical meetings between members are to be avoided because we must lead by example. However, ...
Question Can I read the old club bulletins on our website? Answer Yes, you can find all club bulletins by following this link:
Since 1 July, our club has been located in the new 2140 district with all the other Rotary clubs in Antwerp. Time to reflect on the new district and some important facts: Our new governor is Da...
What Is The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)? RLI is a grassroots coalition of Rotary districts implementing a leadership development program for "potential" leaders of Rotary CLUBS. Established ...
Dear Friends, "Rotary opens opportunities." This is the annual theme of Rotary for the year 2020-2021. Being or becoming a member is not just another fact to put on our record, but it opens up a ...
Every young person has a dream. You undoubtedly too! But turning a dream into reality is easier said than done. You can count on YouthStart for this. During an 8-day training you will get to know...
Dear friends, corona times make it difficult to express the heartiness that every Rotarian carries. We can no longer hug each other, we can no longer shake hands, we cannot even see each other in...
Happy 2020 to all of you Gunter **************** I ll start with our president Annemie: very present, always something to tell...and to the point! Barbara : i miss our good chats: as we...
Because the meeting place is changed several times, it is advisable to return to our agenda for the following month. agenda: 16.05.19: Workmeeting in Hotel Ramada Inn 23.05.19: Diner meeti...
Dear Friends, we wish you warmth in the winter cold, rest in turbulent days, balance when we are out of balance, fantasy to break the rut, humor at difficult times and color to see ...
A month passes quickly. For example, during this month, 2 candidates visited our club for a scholarship abroad. We decided not to support the person who wanted to go to New York, but the one who want...