Foundations for a strong future

dimanche 9 juin 2019

Our Rotary year 2018-2019 is gradually coming to an end. Time to take stock, and immediately look ahead to the next, undoubtedly exciting year, 2019-2020. We must ask ourselves: "Have we all done the necessary to put 'Be the inspiration' sufficiently into practice?". The intention was to include more young professionals and more ladies in our clubs. Based on the current available figures, our three districts will be able to present a positive balance in terms of membership for the current Rotary year.

This is not unimportant in the context of the transition from three to four districts on 1 July 2020. After all, we must all ensure that these new districts can only start with strong, healthy and well-functioning clubs. A minimum of twenty active members in each club is designated for this. Let's do the necessary to achieve this in thirteen months. And this with the Criterion of the Four Questions in mind, our ethical code and my slogan 'Keep it simple and funny'.

We can also become more familiar with GDPR legislation for correct application. We also need to reflect on Rotarian education that needs to be improved and expanded, both at club and at district level. Our members must be aware of the Rotary ideals and values, which are important and which, together with our wonderful Rotary Foundation, distinguish us in the world of service clubs.

"Be proud to be a Rotarian." This idea must come back to the forefront, as it was a few decades ago. Rotaract and the youth are our future. Let us put in the necessary time and energy in order to safeguard our future. The enthusiasm and involvement of the Rotarians in general can be increased by revaluing the godmother / godfather of the members. Under the motto 'Connect the World' we also like to promote compensation in other Belgian and foreign clubs, because this increases mutual friendship and understanding.

So there is work to be done for the new, enthusiastic teams that will take responsibility next month, both in our clubs and in the districts. I wish you all good luck to succeed in this assignment. And remember: "Together we can."