Halloween Party

donderdag 29 oktober 2020 20:00-21:30, Online
Website: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77516957280?pwd=ZXV2WlhPSm8wWWM5b0pPbEEyQy9Bdz09


Edwige De Smet, Annemie Goyvaerts, Eric Jonkers, Alexandre Nagi, Gladys Ten Brink


On a dark and stormy evening, somewhere behind a screen, trouble brewed and I was scared to death! Three Halloween ladies - two witches and a she-devil - haunted my screen.
I was prepared, had my sweets packed up in a special quiz (it could compete with Disney), to please them.....
To no avail!
Alex had vanished in the dark cold Halloween night.....surrounded by bats (yes...bats :-)) 

I started to run, tripped over a gravestone in Annemie's garden, flew in circles on Edwige's broom, clothed in the witch coat found in Gladys house, ate foul looking mushrooms, with a candle from Francesca, but.....no Alex to be found.
The Halloween ladies were devastated and I was not able to console them. They kept repeating 'Trick or treat'?
Trick it was I'm afraid.  I hope it was just a spell to find something fun to do during the next couple of online meetings, but with those three you'll never know.
So if you can not find me next week, I probably turned into a werewolf, or a vampire, or in the best scenario I'm somewhere in the inbetween together with Alex and a real 'Duvel'.

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