Afterwork APERotary

donderdag 4 april 2019 19:30-20:30, Heide Statie, Heidestatieplein 4, 2920 Kalmthout
  • Present: Gunther, Edwige, Johan, Annemie, Luc, Nicolette, Eric
  • Guests: Tamara, Dieter Vander Meersch (guest of Luc)


Our chairman had a lot of inspiration, not so much about Rotary, but he could not be silent about his rally to Morocco. He had come with Tamara with a very special means of transport: an old ambulance from the army.

We were very happy to meet our friend Luc again. And as you know: happiness never comes alone. Luc had brought his friend Dieter Vander Meersch. It was a sympathetic personality with his heart in the right place and we hope to see him again and again.


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