Work Meeting

donderdag 29 maart 2018 20:00-22:00, Hotel Ramada Plaza Antwerp, Desguinlei 94, 2018 Antwerpen

During this meeting we got updated on various matters.

Barcelona Trip:

We received an update from Stanley Travel on our upcoming trip abroad to Barcelona.

Holiday Exchange Programme:

Ilse updated us on the Holiday Exchange Programme. This will be the 2nd time our club is
participating. The Holiday Exchange Programme is scheduled from August 19th till September 1st.
The following clubs are participating:

  • Rc Antwerpen
  • Rc Antwerpen Amerloo
  • Rc Antwerp.International
  • Rc Antwerpen Metropool
  • Rc Antwerpen Noord
  • Rc Antwerpen Oost
  • Rc Antwerpen Park
  • Rc Antwerpen Ring
  • Rc Antwerpen Schelde
  • Rc Antwerpen Voorkempen
  • Rc Antwerpen West
  • Rc Antwerpen Wilrijk Terbeke
  • Rc Bonheiden
  • Rc Boom Ruppel


We are co-hosting together with Rc Boom Ruppel who are taking the lead. On Tuesday 28th
August our 2 clubs will organise a visit to Gent followed by a dinner @ Flaneur in Antwerp. All our
members are welcome to join during the day or for the dinner only. Also the Farewell Dinner on
Friday 31st August is open to all, details to follow.

So far 16 students have enrolled (leaving 4 places open - to be filled):

  • Max from Austria - age 21
  • Karla from Croatia - age 20
  • Fill from Czech Republic - age 18
  • Hania from Egypt - age 21
  • Orlaith from Ireland - age 19
  • Sivan from Israel - age 23
  • Stas from Poland - age 18
  • Raquel from Portugal - age 18
  • Nastya from Russia - age 22
  • Octavian from Romania - age 21
  • Filip from Slovakia - age 22
  • Adja from Slovenia - age 21
  • Felix from Spain - age 18
  • Paul Yang from Taiwan - age 21
  • Seray from Turkey - age 18
  • Lorenzo from Switzerland - age 23


To be continued - next meeting Thursday 17th May

Rotary membership fees:

Based on the information given in the monthly newsletter we had a look at the real costs charged
for being a Rotarian:

  • We get charged by Rotary International 65,50 USD/member = 55 euro/member
  • Our district charges us 58 euro/member (*)
  • RBS charges 50 euro per member
  • Monthly dinner 40 euro/month = 480/year
  • Rotary ZZG: 10 euro/member
  • Cheque for the Governor/foundation: 500 euro (15 members) = 34 euro
  • Total = 687 euro member/year.


As we charge our members 65 euro/month, equalling 780 euro, we are automatically saving 93 euro/member/year for our good causes.


tory 2018-2019:

Eric has kindly volunteered to help us with providing our data to Rotary Belux Services in order to
update the Directory for 2018-2019. This also meant that Johan had to reveal his board members
for next year. I would personally like to say a big thank you to Eric for taking over my role as
Secretary as I will happily focus my energy again on the finances of our club. Eric, I owe you a

Update from the VARC:

This sumner only 4 summer meetings​ will be organised:

  • 12/07: Rc Amerlo-Rc Westmalle (theme: Earth): Diamond
  • 26/07: Rc Heideland-Rc Voorkempen (theme: Air): Airport Deurne
  • 06/08: Rc Antwerpen-Rc Antwerpen-Park (theme: Fire): MUHKA
  • 4th week in Augustus: Rc Schelde-Rc Ring: (theme: Water)


Planting a tree:

Our current president of RI, Ian Riseley, has invited each Rotarian to plant a tree on Earth Day:
April 22nd. He hopes that this could lead to all of us taking more responsibility towards our planet.


As the previous stock of beach flags kind of went missing, the VARC is looking into buying some
new beach flags which can then be booked by clubs providing they pay a deposit. Our club does
not oppose against this proposal.

Rotary benches alongs the Schelde:

The VARC is looking into the possibility of sponsoring benches alongst the Schelde. Although not
very common in Belgium, having Rotary sponsored benches in public parks or alongside a river is
a very common practise in many different countries.

Important dates:

  • Rotary Ball of the Antwerp clubs: 21/10/2018 - details to follow
  • NY reception: 10/01/2019 - organised by Rc Antwerpen Noord and Rc Antwerpen Oost
  • Bowling: 21/02/2019 - organised by us (thanks to our friend Erik Robyn winning the tournament whist playing for his favourite club... Antwerp. International)


Fundraising ideas:

In order to be able to help those less fortunate but to not have to use our current club savings, our
president has asked us to come up with some possible fundraising ideas - to be continued.
However, can we please ask you to come with a worked out idea and not just selling cookies or
champagne. Instead come with a proposal what type of cookies/champagne, the costs involved,
the possible profit and how/where to sell them.....


De aanmelddeadline is verstreken