Rotary Club Antwerp.International helps Lucia with laptops

Monday, November 30, 2020

6 computers (Thompson PC Laptop. 15.6" screen, Azerty keyboard, 8Gb Ram, 512 GB Hard Drive) have been purchased by our club for Lucia. Lucia is supposed to make these laptops available to parents who do not have the financial means to allow their students to monitor online. A number of laptops are of great importance in order to prevent them from falling behind significantly in learning.

A total of 1998 euro has been spent purchasing these. The organization will collect the computers from Ilse and Ian (in Kapellen) and they will then distribute these computers amongst those children who need to follow 'on line classes' but do not have access to a computer at home. Eric will ask one of the people responsible for this organisation to join one of our online meetings and tell a bit more about the fantastic work they do.

