Newsletter from our Governor

Thursday, August 6, 2020

August has the monthly theme "membership" or member management.

"Repetition is the best learning school," they say. As I have stated in other messages, we must attract new members and the retention of both new and other club members in these harsh corona times more than other get our attention.

Covid-19 shows a second wave of infections and prevents physical meetings. Qua retention of members, it is a must that we continue to maintain digital contacts with our members by zoom or other tools.

August has the monthly theme "membership" or member management.
"Repetition is the best learning school," they say.
As I have stated in other messages, it must attract new members and the retention of both new and other club members in these harsh corona times more than other get our attention.

Covid-19 shows a second wave of infections and prevents physical meetings. Qua retention of members, it is a must that we continue to maintain digital contacts with our members
den by zoom or other tools.

In terms of attracting new members, I repeat that it is super important that they find themselves in the DNA of the club where they join so that they remain members of our great organization. I will also continue to use the image of M & Ms, the delicious candy ... make sure that the membership is an M & Ms that everyone wants. Make Membership Memorable!

In January 2019, the RI board launched a statement in which they encourage us to create a culture in which diversity, justice and inclusivity are the normal attitude. Diversity pushes our boundaries! Opens other horizons!

Rotary Opens Opportunities

We must attract members of any race, from any background ... attract members regardless of age, ethnicity, race, color, physical ability, religion, socio-economic status, culture, gender, culture, gender, sexual orientation , gender identity ...!

Rotary Opens Opportunities

On the RI website you will find online courses on 'Buiding a diverse club' and the use of the 'Diversifying your club assessment' and how to act in function of the results. In the membership section you will also find many tools, tools that help you evaluate your club status in terms of membership.

Rotary Opens Opportunities

We in the new D2140 also set our own accents, also because we are faced with the challenge of implementing Rotaract.

On the website you can subsequently view a recording of a zoom conversation between your District Governor and the chair of the Membership Past District Governor Guido Vangansewinkel committee.

Dear Rotarians, having said this about membership, I would also like to remind you of the “Vibrant Club Workshop” on September 12 in Hasselt. It may also be Plan B ... so a virtual meeting.
Keep your agenda free between 10am and 12pm, there will also be a lifestyle streaming.
Check our website regularly.


Dany Vandevoort


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