As every year, our board and club commissions are changing. If you're wondering who is on our board or who is responsible for a particular commission, you can find the list hereby. For al the latest information, you can consult our specific pages (more info..)
Our Board
- Johan Wellens, president
- Gunter De Bock, past-president
- Eric Jonkers, secretary
- Ilse De Souter, treasurer
- Ian Stanley, sergeant at arms
- Edwige De Smet, membership
Club Program
- Ilse De Souter, president
Club Communication
- Ian Stanley, president
- Annemie Goyvaerts
Profesiional Service
- Annemie Goyvaerts, president
- Eric Jonkers
- Johan Wellens
Community Service
- Annemie Goyvaerts, president
- Edwige De Smet
- Eric Jonkers
- Johan Wellens
International & Contact Clubs
- Ilse De Souter, president
Rotary Foundation
- Gunter De Bock, president
Holiday Exchange Program
- Ilse De Souter, president
- Johan Wellens