Work Meeting

Thursday, September 12, 2024 20:00-22:00, Hotel Mercure Antwerp City South, Desguinlei 94, 2018 Antwerpen, België
  • Gladys TEN BRINK


  1. Hart voor een pakje  (stock tegen werkvergadering september ) locaties ..
  2. Kinderziekenhuis
  3. Beroepsinfo
  4. Darts 28/03/2025
  5. Dennenhuis BBQ 2025
  6. Drakenboot 2025
  7. Nieuwe leden
  8. Hoofdzaak er is Hoop
  9. Programma
  10. Doelstellingen


  1. Heart for a package (stock against work meeting September) locations ..
    1. On 01.12.2024 our club will be present at the Winterfair in Kapellen. As many members as possible must be present to sell gifts to interested parties between 10 am and 5 pm.
    2. On 21.11.2024 we will prepare the packages for the Winterfair at Edwige's.
    3. We urgently need to make an inventory of what we still have available (Anita, Gunter, ...).
    4. We still need to solve the problem of online payment with a payment terminal, as the box we have been using until now will no longer be available for charity projects. Annemie will ask Herman Van Mol of RC Antwerp West how we can find a solution.
    5. Innerwheel Antwerp Singel is interested in selling chocolate pralines at the same winterfair, which would be competition for our activities. Johan will contact Daniëlle Michielsen, chairwoman of Innerwheel Antwerpen Singel, to convince her to find another location.
    6. The proceeds will be divided as follows:
      1. CAW: 100 packages at 20 EUR / package (contact Gladys)
      2. Dennenhuis with a barbecue after June 10, 2025
      3. Supporting the Children's Hospital
    7. Career information
      1. The career information evening will take place on Thursday, January 16, 2024. A few more people are being sought (in addition to those who are informants) to participate in that evening.
      2. The preparation is going smoothly: the schools will receive their first email on Monday.
      3. This will happen within a few weeks for the informants.
  2. Darts 28/03/2025
    1. Hall Lux has been confirmed under the same conditions as last year.
    2. The Violin will be requested by Edwige and Eric from Peter on 26.09.2024.
    3. The boards are currently rented at 25 EUR / piece including darts. Buying the boards including tripod would cost 100 - 150 EUR. We will consider buying them if necessary.
    4. There is a possibility to rent a garage in Berchem for 77 EUR per month to store our stuff for our various actions. If we can share the rent with RC Antwerp West, this would be half. We decide that this is too expensive and we will not accept this proposal.
    5. All our members must now look for possible teams to make it a spectacular evening again.
  3. Dragon Boat 2025
    1. The Dragon Boat Festival 2025 will probably take place on May 10, 2025. The final confirmation of the city has yet to follow.
    2. A team of several members of our club is already actively preparing the activity.
    3. More information will follow later.
  4. New members
    1. Danielle VG is accepted as a new member.
    2. Gladys will send a message to the members and ask them to respond within 14 days if they have any objections.
    3. Afterwards, her membership will be passed on within Rotary.
  5. Ad hoc chairmen
    1. Given that it is currently not possible for Anita to take on the chairmanship, an arrangement was made whereby one of the members would be chairman each month.
    2. The current planning is as follows:
      1. September: Gladys
      2. October: Annemie
      3. November: Edwige
      4. December: Ilse
      5. January: Eric
      6. February: Gunter
      7. March: Johan
  6. Main thing there is Hope 14.11.2024
    1. The club will participate in the organization as last year and will hold its statutory meeting here.
    2. The action will take place on 14.11.2024 in the Kinepolis hall in Antwerp at 20:00.
    3. Tickets can be purchased individually via the website:
  7. Visit Annemie in Bergerac:
    1. Annemie invites us to Bergerac between 4 and 8 June 2025.
    2. How we will get there (plane, train or car) and where we will stay, we will work out later.
  8. Program
    1. 19.09.2024: aperitif in the Portaal in Melsele
    2. 26.09.2024: dinner meeting in the Violin
    3. 03.10.2024: working meeting at Mercure
    4. 10.10.2024: aperitif
    5. 17.10.2024: dinner meeting in the Violin
    6. 24.10.2024: dinner meeting at Gunter. Gunter cooks and the proceeds go to our social goals. Cost 75 EUR per person
    7. 31.10.2024: Halloween at Annemie's
    8. 07.11.2024: work meeting at Mercure
    9. 14.11.2024: Hoofdzaak er is Hoop in Kinepolis
    10. 21.11.2024: packing at Edwige for the Winterfair
    11. 28.11.2024: dinner meeting at the Violin
    12. 05.12.2024: work meeting
    13. 12.12.2024: aperitif
    14. 19.12.2024: dinner meeting
    15. 26.12.2024: no meeting
    16. 02.01.2025: New Year's drink at Gladys'
    17. 09.01.2025: New Year's reception Antwerp Rotary Clubs. Location not yet certain
    18. 16.01.2025: Career information evening
    19. 23.01.2025: Dinner meeting in the Violin
    20. 20.02.2025 Visit o the governor


The registration deadline has passed