Rotary 4 Diabetes
Friday, November 11, 2022 09:00 - Sunday, November 13, 2022 15:00, Edegem
What is the purpose of RAG4D-E? T
he 'Rotarian Action Group' Rotary 4 Diabetes (RAF4D-E) aims to bring diabetes prevention to our members.
The number of cases of diabetes is increasing in our countries and the danger is that more than half of the friends who have it do not know it.
How can we take care of ourselves?
To care for diabetes, we can make the following decisions:
- develop secondary activities
- avoiding obesity through a healthy diet
- adequate medication
What do we do?
- a walk of +/- 10 km.
- a bike ride of +/- 60 km.
- a car rally in the region
More information will follow later.