Work Meeting

Thursday, March 12, 2020 20:00-22:00, Virtual

Present: Annemie, Edwige, Gunther, Isabelle J, Eric, Guido, Anita, Gladys

It was our first meeting since the corona virus outbreak, the closing of restaurants and cafes and the obligation to stay at home ('Blij in je kot'). Rotary Club Antwerp.International would not be Rotary Club Antwerp.International or they would have found a solution to this problem: a virtual meeting each of his at home, with a snack or a drink, and glued to his screen. And it was fun too.

We made the following decisions:
  1. The fund raising scheduled for June 12 is being postponed as we believe it will be impossible to sell tickets or raise sponsorships as long as the corona virus problem continues.
  2. The walking weekend in April to the Netherlands on April 25 will also be postponed until after the crisis.
  3. We will endeavor to take action to support older people in rest homes, who will now feel loneliness more than usual, in these difficult and terrifying times. Edwige contacts the rest home where Jack is staying, to see how we can best organize this in a practical way. The intention is that we each write a letter to the elderly and then forward it by email to Edwige. She will hand it over to the nursing home who will read the letters to all seniors. They are already looking forward to your letters and think it is a very good idea.


Next week, same place, we will meet again on Zoom. Details will follow.


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